ACC Live Scan ID
Monday - Friday
10:30 am - 6:00 pm
No appointment necessary?
You can just show up and the process will just take about 10-15 minutes.
Just be sure to bring both:
1.Your Identification.*
2. Your "Request for a Live Scan" form that
was given to you by whoever is requesting
you to have a Live Scan completed.

What is a Live Scan?
A Live Scan is where we enter the information from your "Request for Live Scan" form, given to you from whoever asked you to get a Live Scan and then we electronically take your fingerprints and then send them electronically to the Department of Justice and/or the FBI depending upon what is requested on the form. The whole process should take no more than 10-15 minutes.
How much will the Live Scan cost?
This is a hard question to answer, all Live Scan Live facilities charge a "rolling fee" that can range from $20-$40. We charge only $20.00 then depending on what's on the form you will have a DOJ fee usually of $32.00, and possibly an FBI fee usually $17.00 and that is in addition to our rolling fee of $20.00. Most Live Scans will be a total of $69.00 or range from between $52.00 and $89.00 unless a firearm is involved then it can range up to $113.00. One more factor is in the middle of the form on the billing line, if there is a number in there, the it will only be $20.00 as whoever is sending you will be paying the state fees.
** Do you need a company account set up for your employees?
Click to see how DOJ calculates the fees.
Need a Notary Public?
We offer Notary services at the standard rate of $15.00 per signature for each document and you must present valid photo identification with your document.

Request for Live Scan Form
Below is a "Request for Live Scan form" that your employer / school / license application gives you to have your fingerprints taken then we send the prints off electronically for your background.

Need Rolled Prints to a Hard Card?
Rolled fingerprints are rolled on a scanner and then printed on a card for you to mail in. Cost is $45.00